Girl Day 2023 Recap

Girl Day 2023 Recap

Congratulations on a well-done job at Girl Day 2023! Thanks to all of our volunteers who spent the day teaching kids about acoustics! Here you can see some photos of our students hard at work building rubber band harmonicas and demonstrating waves on a string.
Tailgate 2022

Tailgate 2022

Thanks to everyone who helped out with the tailgate yesterday, along with everyone who came to hang out as well! Special thanks to Matthew Casali for some delicious chili, and Alicia Casacchia for some tasty BBQ. Win or lose, hook ’em!

4th Annual Austin ASA Tailgate

4th Annual Austin ASA Tailgate Nov. 12, 2022 Time: 12 PM Hey Austin ASA! This is just a friendly reminder for our Fourth Annual Inaugural Austin Acoustical Society of America Student Chapter Tailgate on Saturday, November 12th for the UT vs. TCU game. UT and TCU are...