ASA Student Chapter General Meeting
Friday, AUG 26 at 3 PM in ETC 4.150
Hello everyone,
I hope you are all feeling the energy that comes from the start of a new semester!
Our first meeting will be this Friday (Aug. 26) at 3 PM in ETC II 4.150. We will do introductions and a “Stuff You Should Know” presentation that will help you navigate some of the practical aspects of being a graduate student here at UT.
I am excited to announce the formation of committees within the ASA student chapter. These committees will each have a specific focus and work to streamline some of the core duties of the student chapter. The committees will be:
Outreach Committee: This committee will facilitate the outreach activities done by the chapter, including Girl Day / Explore UT Day, our annual tour with Austin International School, development of acoustics demos, and other educational activities that come up. Will, our Vice-Chair, will be the head of this committee.
Social Committee: This committee will facilitate the social activities for the chapter. This includes what will be our fourth annual inaugural acoustics tailgate and other outings that we do as a chapter, such as BBQ outings, sporting events, or other extracurricular activities. Matthew, our Secretary, will be the head of this committee.
If you are interested in any of these, please consider signing up at the chapter meeting. This will be a great way for you to get experience with the chapter and see how things work, especially if you might want to be an chapter officer in the future! We also plan on making shirts with this year. I’d like to thank Tyler for taking the lead on this project and encourage anyone with an interest in design to meet up with Tyler at the meeting.
See you Friday!
-Sam, Chair