WHOI tenure-track positions in Ocean Acoustics

Please see the following info about tenure-track positions at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI).

The Ocean Acoustics and Signals Laboratory at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is looking to hire several tenure-track scientists in ocean acoustics. We are seeking candidates at all ranks with the potential to complement or diversify existing strengths and become the next wave of ocean acoustics leadership. Of interest are all aspects of fundamental and applied ocean acoustics. We invite expansive interpretations of our research, teaching, and scholarly pursuits and welcome interdisciplinary approaches. Candidates with strong experience in signal processing, inverse problems, wireless communication, and wave physics, and interested in ocean applications are also encouraged to apply. Full job description is available here (or use Job Reference 2022-1868 on http://careers.whoi.edu ).

Any potential candidates are encouraged to reach out to the Ocean Acoustics and Signals Laboratory Head, J. Bonnel (jbonnel@whoi.edu), with any questions.