ASA Nashville Recap
Students from the Austin ASA recently attended the 183rd meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Nashville, TN. In addition to eating hot chicken and enjoying live music on Broadway Street, UT students made new connections with ASA members at other universities and presented their own research. Abstracts presented by students at the conference are listed below:
Matthew Casali et al. – “Impedance tube method for characterization of one-dimensional electro-momentum coupled materials“
Chirag Gokani et al. – “Physical acoustics homework problems written by students: Undisciplined, irreverent, and original”
Chirag Gokani et al. – “Analytical solution for a focused vortex beam radiated by a Gaussian source”
A.J. Lawrence et al. – “Modular speaker design enabled by multi-material additive manufacturing”
Zihuan Liu et al. – “Measurement of airborne ultrasound using laser Doppler vibrometry”
Tyler McGee et al. – “Ultrasonic damage detection in Lithium-ion batteries subjected to localized heating”
Tyler McGee et al. – “A model-driven approach to ultrasonic detection of state of charge in Lithium-ion batteries”
Yuqi Meng et al. – “Experimental characterization of high intensity progressive ultrasound beams in air”
Xiaoyu Niu et al. – “MEMS microphones as ultrasonic transducers”
Sam Parker et al. – “A technique for measurement of ultrasonic waves propagating in time-varying media“
Sam Parker et al. – “Time-varying elastic wave mode conversion in vibrating elastic beams with subwavelength nonlinearity“
William Willis et al. – “Analysis of spark-generated waveforms coalescing in air using schlieren imaging”
We would also like to highlight the abstract “Graduate acoustics education in the Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin” by Megan Ballard et al. which discussed the instruction in acoustics at UT Austin.
A collection of photographs from the conference can be found below:

From left to right: Zihuan Liu, Yuqi Meng, Prof. Mark Hamilton, Xiaoyu Niu, Ehsan Vatankhah

UT’s William Willis (back left, green shirt) explores Nashville with ASA students from around the world
AMA with Dr. Ted Argo
AMA with Dr. Ted Argo
Friday, Dec. 2 at 3 PM in ETC 3.108
Hello everyone,
Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving break! This week we have the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Ted Argo.
Dr. Argo graduated from UT Austin in 2012 and was advised by Dr. Wilson. During his time at UT, Ted worked on a wide range of projects including bioacoustics, underwater acoustics, and hearing protection. He is now a Principle Scientist at Applied Research Associates, Inc. and leads an R&D group focused on the intersections of acoustics, physics, and impact dynamics. This is a great opportunity to talk with a UT Acoustics graduate actively working in acoustics! Dr. Argo will also be giving the Texas Acoustics seminar following our ASA meeting, so stick around for that to hear his talk titled “The Importance of a Diverse Acoustics Toolbox.”
This will be an in-person AMA, but if you cannot attend in-person let me know and I will get you set up via this Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 408 702 4217
Some other news and updates:
- ASA Nashville is getting close! If you still need to make travel arrangements, do so ASAP.
- We will be rescheduling the AMA with Andy Guthrie, so be on the lookout for more information regarding that.
Hook ’em!
-Sam, Chair
AMA with Andy Guthrie (ARUP)
AMA with Andy Guthrie
Friday, Nov. 18 at 3 PM in ETC 3.108
Hello everyone,
As we know, the Austin ASA Student Chapter is always doing something cool. This week is no different, because we have an AMA with Andy Guthrie from Arup!
Andy earned their PhD from RPI in the areas of Architectural Science and Architectural Acoustics in 2014.Since then, they have been working as an Acoustic and AV consultant for Arup, a firm focused on sustainable development with staff working across 140 countries. This is a great opportunity to talk with someone about the ins and outs of acoustic consulting and the non-academia side of acoustics. Additionally, Arup has openings for both internships and full-time positions.
Any will be joining us virtually, but I would encourage you all to attend in person. The Zoom link for the meeting is here:
Some other news and updates:
- Check your registration information sheet for the next available registration time and register if you have not already. It is important for the professors to have numbers so classes do not get canceled!
- A big THANK YOU to everyone involved in organizing the tailgate and for all of those who came out.
- ASA Nashville is getting close! Make sure you have submitted your RTA if you intend on getting reimbursed for travel and then book your travel arrangements ASAP. If you are not sure what this is or how to do it, ask your advisor (or whoever will be funding your travel).
Hook ’em!
-Sam, Chair