General Meeting: Welcome and Welcome Back
General Meeting
Friday September 4th, 2020
Zoom, 3-4PM
Hey Everyone,
Hopefully your summers weren’t too terrible and you managed to be productive, healthy, and sane. This will be a little welcome back for our familiar faces, and an introduction for our newer ones.
We’re going to do a brief overview of what the Acoustical Society of America does, some introductions, and then we’ll end with a Q&A about what we want to accomplish this semester given the current COVID environment. You’ll find the link for the meeting below. This meeting will immediately precede the Acoustics Seminar. After seminar, we’ll have a socially distant happy hour at this very same Zoom link from 5PM-?. I look forward to seeing everyone again!
Check out our website:
Topic: UT ASA Student Chapter Meeting
Time: Sep 4, 2020 03:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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New Officers

New Officers
There were no other nominations and because of that, our nominees were running unopposed.
Therefore, I’d like to announce your officers for the 2020-2021 school year:
Chair: Alicia Casacchia
Vice Chair: Sam Parker
Secretary: Tyler McGee
Treasurer: Matt Zeh
We will be transitioning into the new administration over the next few weeks.
It was an honor being your chair this past year and I know we’re in even better hands now.