Temporary Job Opportunity

City of Austin Temporary Job
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Summer Job Opportunity

The city of Austin is in need of someone to take over the sound monitoring and mapping duties of David Murray for the summer. Below is a brief description of David's duties:

David is tasked with evaluating the mitigation of outdoor music venues and temporary events with outdoor amplified sound.

 Weekly tasks include:
  • Review upcoming sound permit applications that require a Sound Impact Evaluation/Sound Impact Plan.
  • Schedule a Sound Impact Evaluation for each application reviewed, which may include on-site inspections and sound measurements, discussions with nearby residents and business owners, and any additional research to assess potential impacts.
  • Coordinate the evaluation with the Parks & Recreation Department (PARD) for events held on city parkland that have outdoor amplified sound and are likely to have 7,500 or more attendees on any day.
  • Coordinate the evaluation with the Austin Transportation Department (ATD) Special Events office for events held in the Right-of-Way that have outdoor amplified sound.
  • Complete a Sound Impact Plan for each application. If necessary to protect public health and safety, the Division may recommend limits on attendance and capacity and more restrictive decibel limits and hours of operation, any appropriate restrictions for stage construction and orientation; size, location and orientation of speakers; appropriate sound buffering; and on-site decibel meters.
  • Obtain signature from the Division Manager on each Sound Impact Plan.
  • Submit signed Sound Impact Plans to the Administrative Senior.
Specific Requirements include:
  • Sound Impact Evaluations must be completed according to Subpart 9-2-50 (Music Office Review) of City Code Chapter 9-2 (Noise and Amplified Sound).
  • All Sound Impact Plans must be signed by the Division Manager.
For more information, contact Dr. Wilson <pswilson@mail.utexas.edu>.
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