Spring Outreach (copy 02)

Girl Day 2018 Sign-up
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Girl Day Sign-up

Saturday, February 24 at 10 AM - 5 PM

Did you know that only around 19% of undergraduate degrees in engineering go to women? Cultural influences often drive girls away from STEM as early as age 7. Want to help combat this trend and recruit more young girls to STEM?

This Saturday February 24th is Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day! Young girls in grades K-8 from all over Texas will be on UT campus participating in demonstrations and activities that will get them excited about STEM. The Austin ASA Chapter hosts a booth at this event and we are looking for volunteers to sign up!

Set up for the day begins at 10am, and activities will run from 11am-4pm. If you are interested in helping out, please fill out the following Doodle poll to indicate which block of time you can make it for:


Our chapter always puts on a good show for this event and it is a blast every year! I look forward to seeing you all there!

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact me (jcormack@utexas.edu).

John, Chair, For Now

Image is of a Rubens' tube demonstration at the physics laboratory in Fachhochschule Dortmund

Graduation gap statistic from:
   National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Integrated post-secondary education data system (IPEDS) completions survey, 2013. Integrated Science and engineering resources data system (WebCASPAR) (2014).
Young girl aversion to STEM statistic from:
   D. Cvencek, A. N. Meltzoff, and A. G. Greenwald, Child Development 82 (2011).
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