Chalmers University of Technology Postdoc
Ultrasound and Array Signal Processing
You will join the Division of Applied Acoustics at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden as part of the consortium of the project Levitate, which otherwise consists of Glasgow University, University of Sussex, Aarhus University, and Ultrahaptics Ltd., and which is funded by the European Commission in the excellence program Future and Emerging Technologies (FET Open). The project Levitate
creates, prototypes and evaluates a holographic display composed of levitating matter. The underlying technology uses high-intensity ultrasound produced by a transducer array to levitate particles and create haptic feedback as well as audible sound.
One of the major technologies employed in the project is parametric audio, which exploits nonlinearities in air to create audible sound from an ultrasonic carrier wave. Your task will be to integrate this modality into the Levitate framework. I.e., you will combine the concept of parametric audio with, for example, beamforming, levitation, and potentially also active noise cancellation. You will receive a 12-month employment at Chalmers with a salary according to current salary agreements. The start date is flexible but should be no later than January 2020, and the work plan will be defined
taking your profile into account.
Feel free to check out the website:
Interested candidates are invited to contact Jens Ahrens ( directly via email. Please include a CV.