Positions in Physical Acoustics Group at OSCAR

Physical Acoustics at OSCAR!
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Research Scientist Positions in Physical Acoustics at Oxford Suzhou Center for Advanced Research (OSCAR)

The Physical Acoustics group at OSCAR is looking for two Research Scientists to join their team! Applications are being accepted until August 31, 2018. Applicants should have experience in one or more of the following areas: physical acoustics, photoacoustics, laser ultrasonics, HIFU, and acoustic cavitation.

For more info see this posting or this other posting, both of which are open to recent Ph.D. grads. Informal inquiries can be directed to Prof. Ronald Roy (ronald.roy@hmc.ox.ac.uk) or Dr. Jason Raymond (jason.raymond@eng.ox.ac.uk)

The Oxford Suzhou Centre for Advanced Research (OSCAR) is the University of Oxford’s first overseas centre for advanced physical and engineering science research, primarily expanding on activities from across the University’s Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division. OSCAR is located within the Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP), in the historical city of Suzhou, approximately 60km west of Shanghai. More info.

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