Austin ASA Announcements
Monday 2/16 - Friday 2/20
Hello all! There several announcements about what the student chapter is up to this week:
Texas Acoustics Shirt Orders
Our "Texas Acoustics" button downs and polo shirts are on sale now. Polos are $20 and button downs are $25. Payment can be made via cash or check. Students, please order through me (Ashley Hicks). Faculty have the option to order through Dr. Hamilton or myself. I am at ARL most days of the week, and am on campus T/Th from 3:00-5:00 and Friday from 3:00 onward. If you'd like to set up a specific time to meet, reply to this email and I will do my best to accommodate you! :) For more info on shirt sizing, etc please see the previous email on the topic.
Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day Sign Up
If you are interested in signing up to volunteer on "Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day," please follow the link below. Complete the instructions for volunteering for a group (Austin Student Chapter of the Acoustical Society of America). This event is February 28th, and the time commitment is from 12:00 to 5:30pm.
Outreach Meeting -- Friday
This Friday (3pm, ETC 2.114) we will have an outreach meeting to discuss both Explore UT and Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day. In addition to discussing useful outreach techniques and volunteer procedures, we will have some hands on time with the demos we're doing at these events. Please note, this meeting is required for all who wish to volunteer at either Explore UT or Girl Day, but you're welcome to attend even if you are unable to volunteer. (Who doesn't like playing with demos?) Refreshments will be served.
Game Night -- Wednesday
Finally, we'll be having a game night social at Austin Terrier this Wednesday at 6pm. Bring your favorite board game and join us!
Have a great week!