Meeting and Elections

Meeting 4/4; Nominations by 4/2 for elections on 4/4
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Meeting Next Week

First Friday meeting next week, April 4, at 3 pm in ETC 2.114. The topics will be:
  • Elections
  • End of semester party!
  • Grads teach grads


Time to nominate for committee positions

It is time, once again, to nominate people for positions in the chapter. All grad students are eligible. The positions open are:

  • Chair
  • Vice Chair
  • Secretary
  • Representative to the National Committee
Each position will serve a year starting in the fall. To nominate someone, or yourself, send an email to by April 2 at midnight. Elections will be held at the next meeting on April 4 in ETC 2.114. They will be paper ballet closed elections. The results will be reported the following Monday, April 7.

Have a great Friday!
Joelle Suits
ASA Austin Student Chapter Secretary
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