Job Opportunity at Savannah River National Labs

NDE Testing Design!
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NDE Development Engineer Position at Savannah River National Laboratory

Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) is looking for a MS or PhD graduate in computer, electrical, mechanical, or nuclear engineering to fill an engineering position that involves the development of nondestructive evaluation (NDE) equipment and techniques.

The selected candidate will join the SRNL Imaging, Robotics and Radiation Systems group. Initial focus will be on Immersion Ultrasound Testing systems used in specialized component testing. The scope of this position will expand to other NDE technologies, imaging and custom equipment development. SRNL is seeking a creative, flexible, and self-motivated individual able to work on multidisciplinary teams and individually to develop one of a kind engineering solutions.

For more info about SRNL, see their website. For more info about the available position, see the job posting (position ID 4355BR). The deadline to apply is April 9.

Have a good weekend,

The above image is from the SRNL site.

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