Grad Skills Seminar: Introduction to scientific computing using Python

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Graduate Skills Seminar:

Introduction to scientific computing using Python

Presenter: Randy Williams

Friday, October 28 at 3 PM in ETC 4.150

Python is an open-source and high-level programming language which has been rapidly gaining traction with scientists and engineers for numerical computing as an alternative to other languages such as Matlab and C. Python is free to use and develop, and a large online community of users has resulted in many additional libraries which extend Python’s functionality. The NumPy module provides routines for fast array mathematics, special functions, linear algebra, and FFTs, while Matplotlib makes it easy to generate publication-quality plots. This talk will highlight some of the features of Python which engineering students will find useful, and will walk through a few examples related to propagation, scattering, and signal processing in acoustics.

Hope to see you there!

-Anthony, Chair
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