Grad Skills Seminar: Introduction to otoacoustic emissions

Introduction to otoacoustic emissions
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Graduate Skills Seminar:

Introduction to Otoacoustic Emissions

Presenter: Nicole Sieck

Friday, February 26 at 3 PM in ETC 4.150

Otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) are sounds that originate in the cochlea and are then recorded in the ear canal. They occur as a byproduct of the electromotile processes of outer hair cells. While OAEs can occur spontaneously, they are usually recorded in response to a stimulus, such as a click or set of tones. Recording OAEs does not require any active participation of the patient, which makes them a useful tool in the clinic. In fact, the first clinical use of OAEs was for newborn hearing screenings. This talk will cover the basics of OAEs, including types, physiological generators, and clinical applications.

Hope to see you there!

-Anthony, Chair
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