Boston ASA - Gallery of Acoustics
Abstracts deadline extended until tomorrow!
Do you want to win money for a cool image or visualization related to acoustics?
The deadline to submit entries for the Boston ASA Gallery of Acoustics has been extended until tomorrow! First and second place receive cash prizes of $400 and $200 respectively, and the organizers need more entries, so, anyone who submits stands a good chance of winning some money. A description of the Gallery is listed below.
You do not need the image by tomorrow, only an intent to submit (details below). If you are interested, please contact Michael B. Muhlestein,
T: (801) 755-8419 E-mail:
(1) 27 April 2017: Deadline for notice of intent to submit. Include a title, an abstract, a complete author list with full contact information, and a basic description of the proposed entry. This information will not be published anywhere, rather it is used to help guide entrants in their submissions. Please indicate the primary point of contact.
(2) 22 May 2017: Deadline for the receipt of all entries and materials.
The Technical Committee on Signal Processing in Acoustics will sponsor the 16th Gallery of Acoustics at the joint Acoustical Society of America and European Acoustics Association meeting in Boston, MA. Its purpose is to enhance ASA meetings by providing a setting for researchers to display their work to all meeting attendees in a forum emphasizing the diversity, interdisciplinary, and artistic nature of acoustics. The Gallery of Acoustics provides a means by which we can all share and appreciate the natural beauty, aesthetic, and artistic appeal of acoustic phenomena: This is a forum where science meets art.
The Gallery will consist of a multimedia collection of images, videos, audio clips, and narrations, of images and/or sounds generated by acoustic processes or resulting from signal and image processing of acoustic data. Images and videos can consist of actual visualizations of acoustic processes or of aesthetically and technically interesting images resulting from various signal and image processing techniques and data visualization. Audio clips and segments should also have aesthetic, artistic, and technical appeal. It is possible to submit a poster entry but permission from Michael Muhlestein should be obtained prior to submission. Recently the highly ranked entries have been video entries (a series of photos or video, with audio narration or text to read). The top 3-6 submitted video entries are then burned onto a common DVD that is played on a loop on a TV in a main lobby of the conference hotel for all to see. These video entries must be limited to 3 minutes in duration (STRICTLY ENFORCED).
Entries must be submitted electronically, either by e-mail attachment, or by mailing a CD, or DVD to the address given below. Entries must be accompanied by all authors’ names and affiliations, a title, a brief description of the entry and importance or interest of the entry (no more than 200 words), and statement of permission to display the entry at the meeting. Please indicate the primary point of contact. The meeting attendees will vote on the entries on the basis of aesthetic/artistic appeal, ability to convey and exchange information, and originality. A cash prize of USD $400 and $200 will be awarded to the winning and first runner-up entries, respectively.
-Jay, Chair-elect
Note: The photo reproduces a Schlieren image showing a sphere traveling at Mach 3 over a perforated plate. Image obtained from