From Email: Girl Day and Explore UT Volunteer Sign-Up

Please fill out the following form indicating whether or not you can volunteer for Girl Day or Explore UT! We need as many people as we can get because of the anechoic chamber tours this year!

You will get more info this week about where to go and how to get your t-shirts.


If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out in Google Forms.

Girl Day and Explore UT Volunteer Sign-Up

Hello Everyone! We are really excited to be hosting booths at Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day (this Saturday, February 27) and Explore UT (Saturday, March 5).

We need as many volunteers as we can get!!! So please, if you can come for the whole day or just a few hours, we would appreciate your help. We will have three tables in the ECJ plaza with different acoustics demos that we have shown in the meetings and we are going to be giving tours of the anechoic chamber!

Please fill out the following form to indicate your interest and I will send more information later this week.

* Required
    First Name *
    Last Name *
    Are you interested in volunteering at Girl Day or Explore UT? *
    • YES! Both!!
    • Yes! Girl Day ONLY (February 27)
    • Yes! Explore UT ONLY (March 5)
    • Not even a little bit.
    • Other:
    If yes to Girl Day (February 27), what times can you be at the booth (ECJ Plaza)?
    • 10:00 - 11:30 AM (Set up)
    • 11:30 - 1:00 PM
    • 1:00 - 2:30 PM
    • 2:30 -4:00 PM
    • 4:00 - 5:00 PM (Clean up)
    • Other:
    If yes to Explore UT (March 5), what times can you be at the booth (ECJ Plaza)?
    • 10:00 - 11:00 AM (Set up)
    • 11:00 - 12:30 PM
    • 12:30 - 2:00 PM
    • 2:00 -3:30 PM
    • 3:30 - 5:00 PM (Clean Up)
    • Other:

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