Explore UT

@ExploreUT is this weekend, sign up to volunteer & @ASAStudents council representatives needed, app due Sat.
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Explore UT

We need volunteers for this Saturday! So far only one person has RSVP'd to me that they will be helping. Please come and show off how cool acoustics is.

Please reply to this email or contact me (Craig) to let us know you will be there. If you let me know your preferred t-shirt size I'll try to pick one up ahead of time so you won't have to check in or be stuck with an XXXL.

We're breaking the day into two shifts, though people are certainly welcome to stay for the whole event. I'll try and make sure there are some refreshments for our volunteers.

Shift 1: 10:30 am - 1:30 pm. Setup starts at 10:30 and we should have the displays running by 10:50. I will be there at latest at 10:00 am in the 4th floor lab of ETC.

Shift 2: 1:30 pm - 4:50 pm. The event ends at 4:40 pm, but if we have enough people cleanup should be pretty quick.

If you show up before 10:30 am plan to meet at the 4th floor lab. If you are arriving later, see the attached image for where are table (Seeing Sound) should be.

All parking garages on the engineering side of campus are open and free for the public on Saturday.


Craig Dolder
Austin-ASA Chair

ASA Student Council Positions

Information from official announcement from the ASA Student Council. If you are curious what the position involves feel free to ask Caleb Sieck what his experience has been:

This is a reminder that the deadline for submitting applications for the open positions on the ASA Student Council is 1 March.

Applications for new representatives to the ASA Student Council are now being accepted from the Technical Committees on:  

· Animal Bioacoustics

· Acoustical Oceanography

· Biomedical Acoustics

· Noise

· Structural Acoustics and Vibration

· Underwater Acoustics

Appointment to the Student Council begins on 10 May, immediately following the Providence meeting, and runs through the end of the spring 2016 meeting for all new representatives. More information regarding the ASA Student Council is available at www.acosoc.org/student.

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