Explore UT Info, Girl Day Wrap-Up, and More Rubberband Harmonicas
Hello Everyone!
First, a HUGE thank you to everyone who helped out on Saturday for Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day. We had hundreds of excited girls come to our table to learn about rubber-band harmonicas and waves on a string. We even ran out of the ~300 harmonica packets we had made. We also had hundreds of people check out the anechoic chamber and Chladni plates in the ECJ basement.
We are only halfway though, becuse this Saturday is Explore UT! If you haven't signed up to volunteer yet please do so at the link below. I will be sending some more specific information tomorrow or Friday but in general, we will be operating our tables and anechoic chamber tours from 11:00 AM - 4:40 PM. I will be around ETC or the anechoic chamber to set up at around 9:30 AM, so feel free to come whenever. You can reach me on event day at (612) 618-6870, as I will not be actively checking email. SIGN UP HERE
Last but not least, as I mentioned before, we ran out of all of our rubber band harmonica kits last Saturday. If anyone is available to help make replacement harmonica kits this Friday from 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM, I will be in ETC 4.156 getting my assembly line on. The more extra hands we have available, the more replacements we can make, the more children we can bring joy.
Hope to see you there!
-Jay, Outreach coordinator