ETS Lindgren Tour with Central Texas AES
Tuesday, December 4, 6:30pm-9pm, ETS Lindgren
Hello Everyone,
We are excited to announce the opportunity for Austin ASA members to attend an upcoming meeting of the Central Texas Section of the Audio Engineering Society (AES) that will include a tour of the facilities at ETS Lindgren in Cedar Park. Speakers will be Dr. Douglas Winker, the Acoustics Product Line Manager and Princial Acoustical Engineer, and Michael Black, the Laboratory Technical Director. The agenda is as follows:
6:30pm Arrival/Dinner/Networking
7:00pm Welcome/Introductions
7:15pm Overview of ETS-Lindgren/Acoustic Capabilities/ "The World of Audio In Action"
8:00pm Lab Tour / Demonstrations / Q&A (break out to small groups of 10-12 each)
i. Hemi-anechoic Chamber
ii. Reverb Chambers
9:00pm Wrap-up / adjourn
If you are interested in attending, please let me know (, and also register using this link.
We realize that this invitation is on short notice and is close to final exam times, but do not fret, as we are working on arranging a separate tour for the Student Chapter that will be in the spring.
Any questions can be directed at me ( The tour will also be discussed at the general meeting tomorrow afternoon.
More info on ETS Lindgren:
"ETS-Lindgren is an international manufacturer of components and systems that measure, shield, and control electromagnetic and acoustic energy. The company's products are used for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), microwave and wireless testing, electromagnetic field (EMF) measurement, radio frequency (RF) personal safety monitoring, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and control of acoustic environments.
Headquartered in Cedar Park, Texas, ETS-Lindgren has manufacturing facilities in North America, Europe and Asia. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of ESCO Technologies, a leading supplier of engineered products for growing industrial and commercial markets. ESCO is a New York Stock Exchange listed company (symbol ESE) with headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri. Additional information about ETS-Lindgren is available at Additional information about ESCO and its subsidiaries is available at"
Hook em!
The photo above is from the this website.