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Hello Everyone, 
It is with a very heavy heart that I am writing this email. Mrs. Marjorie Blackstock, the wife of Dr. David Blackstock, passed away on December 8, 2019.  A memorial service will take place on Thursday, December 19, 2019, at Weed Corley Fish Funeral Home, 3125 North Lamar Boulevard, Austin, TX 78705. The service will start at 3:00 pm and end at 4:00 pm with an open mic for people to say a few words, followed by a reception until 5:00 pm.  All events are open to the public. 
The ASA Student Chapter will be donating flowers on behalf of our organization for the contributions and dedication to student success by the Blackstocks. Mrs. Blackstock will be with all of us, as our "Fundamentals of Physical Acoustics" Textbook by Dr. Blackstock holds the words "To my wife Marjorie" on it's own page before any mention of waves.
Full obituary can be found here:

Information on services can be found at the bottom of this page: 

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Dr. Blackstock and his family.

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