Battelle/MIT Postdoctoral Program 2017
Please see the message below:
Please find attached a call for applicants to the 2017 Battelle/MIT postdoctoral program (application deadline: March 29, 2017). Target areas this year include:
(1) Autonomy, especially blended man-in-the-loop and autonomous system architectures
(2) System of systems autonomy architectures
(3) Undersea acoustic communications
(4) Undersea optical communications
(5) Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT) solutions without the use of GPS in aerial, surface and undersea environments.
We would be grateful if you could bring this to the attention of graduate students and postdocs in your group, and forward the announcement to other colleagues who may have excellent students looking for postdoctoral opportunities.
Information may also be found at:
Also please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions. I have recently assumed the coordinator role for this program from Prof. Hosoi who managed it successfully for many years.
Best regards,
Michael R. Benjamin, PhD
MIT Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Computer Science and AI Lab
617-921-6283 (cell)
617-324-8211 (CSAIL Room 32-220)
617-324-7507 (Charles River Autonomy Lab)