Acoustical AMA: Won-Suk Ohm

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Acoustical Ask-Me-Anything

with Won-Suk Ohm, Associate Professor (Yonsei University)

This Friday (11/4) in ETC 4.150 (the seminar room) at 3 PM

The Acoustical Ask-Me-Anything series continues this Friday with Dr. Won-Suk Ohm, a former student of Dr. Blackstock and Dr. Hamilton who is now an associate professor in the School of Mechanical Engineering at Yonsei University. He is currently on sabbatical in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Brigham Young University.  He received his B.S. in mechanical engineering and mathematics (minor) at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 1994, and M.S.E. (1997) and Ph.D. (2001) at the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) under D. T. Blackstock and M. F. Hamilton, respectively.

Following his graduate study at UT Austin, he moved to Ottawa, Canada, to join the Institute for National Measurement Standards, National Research Council (NRC-INMS) as an NSERC Canadian Government Laboratory Visiting Fellow (2002-2004) and a guest researcher (2004-2005).  Prior to joining the Yonsei faculty in 2008, he was a senior research engineer at Medison Co. Ltd., a diagnostic ultrasound company headquartered in Seoul, South Korea. He conducts research in physical and engineering acoustics, in relation to such areas as noise/vibration/harshness, nondestructive evaluation, biomedical ultrasonics, and defense.

The Acoustical AMA series allows current students to meet with acoustical professionals in an informal setting and pick their brains concerning all things acoustics and related career paths.

Sorry for the change of course and short notice; we will probably have a general meeting next week instead. 

Hope to see you there!

-Anthony, Chair
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