11/24 Update

Quick Updates for Austin ASA 11-24 to 12-5
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Austin ASA Updates

What's going on in the student chapter, 11/24 - 12/5?

Friday - 11/28 - No Grad Skills Seminar
Due to the holiday, we will not have a graduate skills seminar on Friday. Graduate skills seminars will resume in the Spring semester. If you have an idea for a seminar, please contact Anthony Bonomo through the Austin ASA email (austinacousticalsociety@gmail.com). We're looking for a variety of topics to present through the spring, especially ones from audiology, communication, music, etc. 

December - All Month
Dr. Wilson would like me to remind the ASA student chapter that B&K will be providing a series of free webinars in December. These webinars cover a variety of topics that may be of interest to those in the acoustics program. To view the topics and register for the webinar, visit the B&K website. If there is a large interest in showing a specific webinar in a classroom/group setting, contact me and I will see if I can work something out! 

Friday - 12/05 - Final General Meeting
Our last general meeting of the Fall term will be held on Friday, December 5th, at 3pm in ETC 2.114. Topics to discuss include winter/finals week social, logo/t-shirt orders, and spring events/tours. I will send out a final email as we get closer, but here's the first heads up. Hope to see you there!

Thank you everyone. Enjoy your holiday, and travel safely if you do! 

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